Importance of self-help triage

Importance of self-help triage:-

Triage is the process of dividing people based on their need for treatment as compared to the chance of benefiting to survive from appropriate care. Triage is done only for emergency rooms, disasters,  fire accidents and wars, when resources that are to be allocated to maximize life of no. of people are limited.

For example people wounded in a fire accident are classified into three groups: based on who could be expected to live without medical care, those who would likely to die even after care and those who could survive if they receive care.

  • Most of the doctors consultations are made online these days due to closure of Emergency units at hospitals. It is advised by most of the doctors to patients due to the lack of access to clinical care.

  • Triage is mainly used in the emergency department of the hospital for improving workflow for the doctors.

  • Self help triage plays a key role in patient selection for a consultation, and in providing reassurance and self management advice while consultations.

  • This tool is probably useful for people who are too shy or dysarthric to use telephone triage, or too frail to access a walk-in centre. 

  • E-triage is the latest application in providing out of hours services to people, those who can't get proper access to medical treatment.

  • Many apps are under development for improving the patient care quality and assurance by using proper tools like ML and AI. 

  • Proper patient details privacy and to get access to quality health reports within to provide timely quality treatment.

  • Most of the developed countries use this application to reduce the number of doctors consultations at the emergency department due to more waiting time. 

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